is now free of JavaScript

I don’t know why - i.e. I don’t think I have a particularly good reason for it - but I don’t really like JavaScript.

When I redid the website a few years ago, moving from my original artisan handcrafted html and css to a site generated from Markdown files using mkdocs, I tweaked the theme, but I left the theme’s default JavaScript for the drop-down menu.

Sorting it was a project for another day.

That day was yesterday.

I’m still happy with the static, mkdocs-generated site, but I finally found some time to get rid of the JavaScript, in place of an extra row of links in the footer of each page.

It might not be modern, or slick, but it works. And, if I decide that I really don’t like it, it is easily changed.


Will anyone else notice, or care? I don’t know.

But I will know.’s home page is now 58.01kB

And, in doing so, I’ve just about halved the page weight: the homepage of is now 58.01kB.

Earlier in the year, I trimmed the fonts from 280kB down to 22kB, so this trimmed off even more.

Now, roughly half the page weight is fonts, and the remainder is css.

Just 3.75kB is actually content.

I quite like MonoRale as the font, but part of me is tempted to ditch it and leave it to whatever is the browser’s default. I don’t care that much about branding.

I’m not sure I want to get rid of the css entirely, as I quite like the way the site looks. But it might be nice to strip down whatever I don’t need from the bootstrap.min.css file some point.

Perhaps I’ve now reached the point of diminishing returns… if I hadn’t reached it already.