Not being bothered by sports

There’s a lot of sports about at the moment.

And I’ve been able to avoid pretty much all of it.

On the fediverse, thanks to filters and muting, I’ve seen basically nothing about it.

I haven’t watched it on TV. I don’t watch much TV anyway, and I can’t remember the last time that I watched live TV, so no hardship here at all.

Sure, it is splattered across news sites, so I’ve seen the occasional headline, but not clicking on the articles is easy.

A few people have chatted about it during the small talk at the beginning of conference calls and meetings, and that’s basically the extent of my exposure.

My fediverse feed, my RSS feeds, my media server, my books? They’re a great source of non-sports stuff for me, so I’m not short of something to read or watch.

Filter bubble? Echo chamber? Yes!

And I love it.