Improving the readability of the new design of in Firefox with custom CSS

I love It’s an amazing resource, and I’m very grateful to the team behind it.

I also like - mostly - the new, cleaner, design.

But I am not a fan of the changes to readability.

What’s changed

It used to look like this:

Screenshot of, with a darker, easier to read, font

Now it looks like this:

Screenshot of, with a thinner, lighther, harder to read, font

It’s not dreadful, but I find it harder to read, with the light blue, thin text, against a bright white background.

Fixing it in Firefox

I’ve sent feedback to the team, but I want to fix it for myself now.

Using the “Stylus” add-on for Firefox, I created a new stylesheet for

In it, I put:

@-moz-document domain("") {
    body, .LegSnippet .LegAnnotations :not(.LegAnnotationsGroupHeading), #leg .pageTitle .pageTitleToggleLink, #printOptions h4, .legToc .LegSnippet *, ul#legSubNav li a.close, .ui-widget, .LegSnippet .ENContents a.userFunctionalElement span, ol li ol li p.ENContentsTitle a, #search #ui-datepicker-div .ui-datepicker-title, #search #ui-datepicker-div .ui-datepicker-calendar th, #tools #refineSearch form input[type="text"]:disabled, #content div .searchCol2 input[type="text"]:disabled, .legResources h3 em, #survey-banner .banner-close, .LegSnippet .LegBlockNotYetInForceHeading span, .english::after, .welsh::after, ul#legSubNav li a, #breadCrumb ul li a, #legSubNav a, h3 .help, ol li ol li p.ENContentsTitle a em, #new-design-banner button, ol li.ENContentsAnnex a, ol li.ENContentsAnnex a span{ font-weight: 400;}

The page now looks like this:

Screenshot of, with a thicker font

I might tinker with the font too but, for now, that’s an immediate improvement for me.

Update: I’ve made the font a bit darker, and now it is even better.


I received a friendly, positive response from the team.